
Ağustos, 2010 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

CRM search can not find deactive records

In microsoft dynamics crm, when you searching recored you can not find deactivate records especially, in case or sales orders you can not find resolves cases and fulfilled orders. One our customer toll us that he want to searc deactive records, bu you know that crm search view is a system view and could not customizable.  For customize ths view open sql server--> orgname_mscrm-->savedqueries table, and find your view name. then edit the iscustomizable field set it to true. then refresh the view than go search criteria, and remove the criteria that bann deactive record. and publish the view.

Remove CurrencySymbol with javascript from crm forms

Form removing currency symbol from money fields on crm form write the script below on crm form onload. document.getElementById('fieldname_sym').style.display= 'none';