
Temmuz, 2010 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

how to set a 2nd level subject tree to force select

Senario is: when selected: check if the <subject> has <parentsubject> if not then msg: "please select a child subject tree" set focus back to subject else leave as <parent subject> /////////////////////////////////////// function GetAttributeValueFromID(sEntityName, sGUID, sAttributeName, sID) { var xml = "" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">" + GenerateAuthenticationHeader() + " <soap:Body>" + " <RetrieveMultiple xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices\">" + " <query xmlns:q1=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/Query\" xsi:type=\"q1:QueryExpression\">" + ...

Connecting Another Databases from crm javascript + sql

When creating account, we need control, if an account number exist in another database, for controlling this case, we write sql code in javascript. function erpFirmaKontrol(val) {

How to chgange Activity pointer view default value

In crm 4.0, there is no way to change the activitiy pointer defaullt view, thats way I search the crm source  pages and i find the way of change default view. open inetpub-->wwwroot-->Workplace-->home_activities.aspx; and  paste the script below, under the onload blok like the picture 3 crmTypeSelector.DataValue="phonecall"; OnActivityTypeChange(crmTypeSelector);

Disable datetime field in crm 4.0

to disable a crm datetime filed in crm, using Disabled=true is not able to full disable the field.The date text still enable to edit. To fully disable the date filed use below script //Disable crmForm.all.DATETIME.Disabled=true; var node = crmForm.all["DATETIME" +"img"].parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild; node.disabled=true; crmForm.all["DATETIME" + "img"].src = "/_imgs/btn_dis_cal.gif"; node.className = "ro"; //Use below code to enable it crmForm.all.DATETIME.Disabled =false; var node = crmForm.all["DATETIME" +"img"].parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild; node.disabled =false; crmForm.all["DATETIME" + "img"].src = "/_imgs/btn_dis_cal.gif";node.className = "";