
2010 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

CRM search can not find deactive records

In microsoft dynamics crm, when you searching recored you can not find deactivate records especially, in case or sales orders you can not find resolves cases and fulfilled orders. One our customer toll us that he want to searc deactive records, bu you know that crm search view is a system view and could not customizable.  For customize ths view open sql server--> orgname_mscrm-->savedqueries table, and find your view name. then edit the iscustomizable field set it to true. then refresh the view than go search criteria, and remove the criteria that bann deactive record. and publish the view.

Remove CurrencySymbol with javascript from crm forms

Form removing currency symbol from money fields on crm form write the script below on crm form onload. document.getElementById('fieldname_sym').style.display= 'none';

how to set a 2nd level subject tree to force select

Senario is: when selected: check if the <subject> has <parentsubject> if not then msg: "please select a child subject tree" set focus back to subject else leave as <parent subject> /////////////////////////////////////// function GetAttributeValueFromID(sEntityName, sGUID, sAttributeName, sID) { var xml = "" + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">" + GenerateAuthenticationHeader() + " <soap:Body>" + " <RetrieveMultiple xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices\">" + " <query xmlns:q1=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/Query\" xsi:type=\"q1:QueryExpression\">" + &quo

Connecting Another Databases from crm javascript + sql

When creating account, we need control, if an account number exist in another database, for controlling this case, we write sql code in javascript. function erpFirmaKontrol(val) {

How to chgange Activity pointer view default value

In crm 4.0, there is no way to change the activitiy pointer defaullt view, thats way I search the crm source  pages and i find the way of change default view. open inetpub-->wwwroot-->Workplace-->home_activities.aspx; and  paste the script below, under the onload blok like the picture 3 crmTypeSelector.DataValue="phonecall"; OnActivityTypeChange(crmTypeSelector);

Disable datetime field in crm 4.0

to disable a crm datetime filed in crm, using Disabled=true is not able to full disable the field.The date text still enable to edit. To fully disable the date filed use below script //Disable crmForm.all.DATETIME.Disabled=true; var node = crmForm.all["DATETIME" +"img"].parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild; node.disabled=true; crmForm.all["DATETIME" + "img"].src = "/_imgs/btn_dis_cal.gif"; node.className = "ro"; //Use below code to enable it crmForm.all.DATETIME.Disabled =false; var node = crmForm.all["DATETIME" +"img"].parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild; node.disabled =false; crmForm.all["DATETIME" + "img"].src = "/_imgs/btn_dis_cal.gif";node.className = "";

Change Activities Sort Order

To Change, new activities sort order open the file (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Activities\dlg_create.aspx), with text editor.Find the code below, for example you want to see phone calls firstly, cut the phone calls rows and paste the row in first row, save close the file. RenderListItem(Util.Task, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderListItem(Util.Fax, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderListItem(Util.PhoneCall, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderListItem(Util.Email, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderListItem(Util.Letter, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderListItem(Util.Appointment, Privileges.CreateActivity); RenderServiceAppointment(); RenderCampaignResponse();

Customize Convert Lead

From Nishanta's Blog http://nishantrana.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/customizing-convert-lead-dialog-box-in-crm-4/#comment-5203 This is an unsupported customization, where we would be hiding the account option from the convert lead dialog box. For doing so, Find and open the conv_lead.aspx page on your crm server. Inside the function window.onload add the following code function window.onload( ) { // add the following line of code to hide the checkbox document.getElementById('cbAddAccount').style.display ='none';and to hide the label by commenting out the following tag <label for="cbAddAccount"><% =Microsoft.Crm.CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlEncode(Util.GetFmtObjName(Util.Account, Util.NameFormatStyle.Singular)) %></label>Just remember this is unsupported. Or use the following JavaScript document.getElementById(‘cbAddAccount’).style.display = “none”; document.getElementById(‘cbAddAccount’).parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1]

CRM reports filtering problem

For pre filtering, sql reporting reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM , you know that; to add CRMAF_   tag to the tables you want to filter. But one of our customer, especially in turkish (at Local languages) CRM 4.0 or CRM 3.0 our pre filter doesn not work. Always reports comes with run this record on all records. To resolve this problem, open rdl report with note pad or another text editor, search the "Initial" keyword in database connection words, CHANGE it to "initial" then go to CRM--> reports find the report. Delete it (you must delete, update does not work on tihis solution), then add the updated report crm. Then you see that your report will be pre filterable in CRM

CRM Sayfalarının üzerinde gelen uyarı yazılarını değiştirme

CRM Sayfalarının üzerinde gelen uyarı yazılarını değiştirme Entitylerin üzerinde gelen uyarıları kendi uyarılarımıza değiştirmek için formun onloadında aşağıdaki fonksiyonu dogru parametrelerle sMessage="yazılmak istenen uyarı" Type="hatanın tipi" function Uyari(sMessage, Type){ // Types = error, info, help, alert crmForm.all.Notifications.innerHTML = "<div id='Notification0' class='Notification' NotificationId='ErrorCode.NotScheduled' Source='strategy' Severity='1' Order='0'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td valign='top'><img src='/_imgs/ico/16_"+Type+".gif' class='lui'></td><td><span id='Notification0_text'><b style='color:#660066;'>"+sMessage+"</b></span></td></tr></table></div>"; crmForm.all.Notifications.style.

View customization problem can not select the column

at One of our customer we realized that, while we customize views in crm we faced a problem, that we can not select the columns on views. The reason of this problem is internet explorer setting, open internet explorer-->tools-->internt options-->security-->local intranet-->sites--> add--> then wirite "about:blank" and click add. Save and close dialogs. Open crm and you can see your view problem has gone.

Microsoft CRM görünümlerini özelleştirememe sorunu

Görünümleri özelleştirirken, alınan görünüm üzerindeki kolonların seçilememesi disable olması problemi: Bu sorunu çözmek için internet explorer ı açıp araçlar-->internet seçenekleri-->güvwnlik-->local intranet-->SİTELER BÖLÜMÜNE about:blank YAZIP ekleyin internet pencerelerini kapatıp açın düzelecektir

Void Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.SoapContext.set_RawRequest(System.Object) error crm

this errors comes after you install update rollup 11 on microssoft dynamics crm 4.0 then uninstall crm, then install crm, if you get this error install update roll up 11 again the error will fix

Microsft CRM makale arama seçeneklerinin default değerini değiştirme

Müşterilerimizin biri makale aramada gelen seçeneklerin default değerini değiştirmemizi istedi, bu arama ekranı özelleştrilebilir alan olmadğı için, ie developper toolu ile inceleyip bir çözüm buldum. Eğer crm 80 porta kurulu ise c:\\inetpub\wwwroot\workplace\home_answers.aspx sayfası note pad ile açılıp aşağıdaki resimde görünen yere, şekilde 3 te görüldüğü gibi aşağıdaki script yapıştırılmalıdır. frmSearchInt.SearchMethod.value="CRMAnswer.BrowseSubject"; displaySearchOptions(false); Save the aspx file and refresh the page, you can see the default value changed.

Changing default value of the search criteria of Articles in ms crm

One of our customer wants to change the default value of search criteria on articles, article search form is not a customizable form. So I look up this form with IE developper tools. And I get the source code in c://inetpub/wwwroot/workplace/home_answers.aspx, and the name and values of the search picklist. Open the aspx with in note pad, and paste the code into aspx under the javascript section in aspx source. frmSearchInt.SearchMethod.value="CRMAnswer.BrowseSubject"; displaySearchOptions(false); Save the aspx file and refresh the page, you can see the default value changed.

CRM formunda texbox ı label e çevirme

function OnCrmPageLoad()  { ConvertControlToLabel( "ControlId"); } function ConvertControlToLabel( controlId ) { var control = document.getElementById( controlId ); if( control ) { control.Disabled = true; control.style.border = "0px"; } } OnCrmPageLoad();

Microsoft Update Rollup 10 çıktı

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 için Güncelleştirme Paketi 10 (KB 979347) çıktı.

TimeZoneUpdatePatch.exe crm update rollup 2 kurulumu hatası

Microsoft Dyanmics Crm Server 3.0 a update rollup 2 kurarken TimeZoneUpdatePatch.exe hatası aldık. Hatanın çözümü ile uğraşırken MSCRM veri tabanında adı time zone ile başlayan tablolarda bir tuhaflık olduğunu gördüm, time zone il başlayan bütün tablolar boştu. Özellikle de timezoneentityattribute tablosu. Sonra CRM update roll up kurulumunda sorun yaşamadğım, bir crm serverı veri tabanından bu tabledeki değerleri hatalı database deki table kopyaladım. Ve Sorun çözüldü. update roll up 2 yi başarıyla kurdum.

Microsoft.Crm.SE.TimeZoneUpdatePatch.exe crm update rollup 2 error

When I install update rollup 2 on microsoft crm server, I faced an error "TimeZoneUpdatePatch.exe Common Language Runtime Debugging Services" Then I check the mscrm database I realize that there is a mistake on timezone tables especially on TimeZoneEntityAttribute tables. I compare the tables with a database which runs correct. I copy the values from correct version of table to table with error. After that I install update rollup 2 succesfully.